Week 10


DIA Studio talk (youtube):

Mitch Paone talks about his inspiration and his musical background, which influences his motion-rich designs: ‘Time is form and form is time’.

He also plays with mechanics and movement, e.g. with a caterpillar movement as inspiration for an animation. Cultural references also determine the music and sound. And these are reflected in animations and design references.

Here 2017: Triboro (youtube):

Ambiguity in design: things you remember even you not quite know what they mean -> meaning (=subjective)

Soul in design: create something that’s almost human

Mahaneela (youtube):

I was quite impressed by Mahaneela, a young woman who wears many hats professionally and says: “You don’t have to be just one thing”. I really like that thought as I don’t see myself in just one profession at the moment either. Although I have to say that I probably lack this woman’s energy and ability to spread myself around. I think you have to be very people-oriented to be able to put your foot in so many doors. I’m not saying I’m not a people person, but I sometimes wonder how communication and contact can be improved.


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